Monday, June 20, 2011

Capture Cobalion!/Terrakion!/Virizion!

You can capture Cobalion in Mistralton cave, in the Guidance Chamber, all the way in the back. After you capture or defeat it, the entrances that were blocked for Terrakion and Virizion become cleared. Terrakion is located in Victory road in the Trial Chamber, and Virizion is in Pinwheel Forest in the Rumination field. Good Pokeballs for Cobalion and Terrakion is Dusk Balls These Pokeballs work well for dark areas such as caves. As for Virizion, use Ultra Balls.

Cobalion lvl.42:Ability:Justified:Raises Attack if hit by a dark type move Moveset: Helping Hand/Retaliate/Iron Head/Sacred Sword
HP:            ***
Attack:       ****
Defense:     *****
Sp.Attack:  ****
Speed:        *****

Terrakion lvl.42:Ability:Justified:Raises Attack if hit by a dark type move Moveset: Helping Hand/Retaliate/Rock Slide/Sacred Sword
HP:            ***
Attack:       *****
Defense:     ****
Sp.Attack:  ***
Speed:        *****

Virizion lvl. 42:Ability:Justified:Raises Attack if hit by a dark type move Moveset: Helping Hand/Retaliate/Giga Drain/Sacred Sword
HP:            ***
Attack:       ****
Defense:     ***
Sp.Attack:  ****

Speed:        *****

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